Whether it’s a pre-school, high school, college or online program, education providers are pretty bad at lead gen😖

Some pioneers in the space are using chatbots to fix this problem🤖

Here are four of our favorite examples👇

Appointment-booking Chatbot📆

In college, I used to be a tour guide for prospective students and parents. 🚶‍♂️The job consisted of two highly specialized tasks:

  1. Walking backward without falling🔙
  2. Scheduling tour appointments on the phone📞

Chatbots don’t have legs so they can’t really help out with the first of these tasks, but they are pretty great at the second👍

This chatbot demonstrates how educational institutions can automate the appointment scheduling process to save time and book more tours.✍

Application Form Chatbot📝

I went to a new barber last week because I was feeling adventurous and I regretted it😫

It turns out that this new “barber” didn’t have any formal training because, in his words, “the barber school’s application form was butt-ugly” 🙄

This chatbot is a perfect example of how educational programs can make their course enrollment forms more engaging⚡

Lead Qualification

Before I started TARS, I tried my hand at being a teacher!🍎

I organized a marketing workshop at the local B-school and, as you might expect, it was an EPIC failure!😅

I didn’t really qualify our leads, so the class ended up getting filled with a bunch of lazy undergrads who came for the free pizza🍕 and left before I collected their money 💸

This chatbot is a great example of the sort of lead qualification that education providers sorely need to increase the quality of their enrollment📈

Course Information Chatbot📑

I have an easy approach to choosing college courses😁

Conduct extensive research (user surveys, regression analysis, neural nets…the whole shebang) to figure out which courses require the least effort and sign up regardless of the subject matter😋

Evidently, the strategy worked because I now get paid to write this joke of a newsletter every week🤣, but I can’t help but think that I could have been more efficient🤔

This chatbot shows how universities can present their course information in a more engaging way so that students like me could coast more easily 😎

FINALLY! I have an offer for you!😀

Drop your website/landing page URLs in the comments below👇 if you want us to turn it into a chatbot template and Tars team will do it for FREE!🙉

You can then start using this chatbot right away.